8:00 - 9:00

Mon - Fri

+91 95668 08405

For Appointment

General Questions: Q: What is psychological counseling? A: Psychological counseling is a collaborative process where you work with a licensed professional to address emotional, behavioral, and mental health concerns. It provides a safe and confidential space to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Q: What can counseling help with? A: Counseling can help with a wide range of issues, including:

    Anxiety and depression Stress management Relationship problems Trauma and grief Low self-esteem Addiction Anger management Personal growth and development
Q: Who can benefit from counseling? A: Anyone who is struggling with emotional or mental health concerns can benefit from counseling. It’s also helpful for individuals seeking personal growth and development. Q: Is counseling confidential? A: Yes, with some exceptions. Your counselor is required to maintain confidentiality of your sessions. However, there are legal exceptions for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect, or if you pose a threat to yourself or others. How long does counseling typically last? The length of counseling varies depending on your individual needs and goals. Some people find short-term counseling (a few weeks or months) helpful, while others benefit from longer-term therapy. Starting Counseling: Q: How do I know if I need counseling? A: If you’re struggling to cope with difficult emotions, experiencing changes in your behavior, or feel like your mental health is impacting your daily life, then counseling may be beneficial. How do I find a counselor? You can ask your doctor for a referral or search online directories of mental health professionals. Consider factors like your insurance coverage, specialty areas, and location when choosing a counselor. What can I expect at the first session? The first session is typically an assessment where the counselor will get to know you better, understand your concerns and goals, and discuss your treatment options. What are the fees for counseling? Fees vary depending on the counselor’s experience, location, and the length of the session. Many counselors accept insurance, but it’s important to check your specific coverage beforehand. Additional Questions: Q: Do I need a referral to see a counselor? A: You may not need a referral, but it’s always a good idea to check with your insurance provider to see if it’s required for coverage. What types of therapy do you offer? Different counselors specialize in different approaches. It’s important to find a therapist who uses a method you feel comfortable with. Common approaches include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, and interpersonal therapy. What if I don’t feel comfortable with my counselor? It’s important to feel comfortable and safe with your counselor. If you don’t feel like it’s a good fit, don’t hesitate to seek out another counselor. Remember: Seeking help is a sign of strength. There’s no shame in reaching out for support.