Our Blog
Homeopathy: an Alternative & Complementary Medical Practice
18 November 2021
Homeopathy, a medical science developed by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), is based on the principle that “Like cures Like”. Simplified, it mean…
Diet & Nutrition – Taking charge of your Health and Well-being
18 November 2021
If the word “Diet” instantly makes you think of an unpleasant weight-loss program, you are probably not alone. Thanks to food products marketing, the use of the term “diet” usually describes fo…
Ayurveda – harmonizing Body, Mind and Soul
18 November 2021
Ayurveda, literally means the science of life (Ayur = Life, Veda = Science), an ancient medical science developed in India thousands of years ago, believed to have passed on to mortals from the…
Aromatherapy: Balancing Body, Mind and Spirit
16 November 2021
Essential oils have been a global phenomenon for centuries, used in various cultures for cosmetic, medicinal, and spiritual purposes. Their exact origin is unclear, but e…
Massage Therapy: Facts, Types and Benefits
16 November 2021
Massage has been practiced for thousands of years. Today, if you need or want a massage, you can choose from multiple massage therapy styles with a wide variety of pressures, movements, and te…